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Shah Rahman Joins KCI as Water Practice Leader

Sha Rahman


KCI announced that Shah Rahman has joined the firm as practice leader for the Water Practice in the Dallas office. His responsibilities will include contract negotiation and proposal management, technical project and staff oversight, business development, and quality control as part of the firm’s ongoing water market expansion within the state.

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Over his 24-year career, Rahman has grown from an applications engineer to a recognized authority in the buried pipe market in the water and wastewater industry. His experience includes the full spectrum of pipe and trenchless work including engineering, product development and management, and construction.

“Shah is a recognized technical and marketing leader in the public works and water/wastewater pipelines industries,” said Kathy Berek, PE, ENV SP, regional practice leader. “He will leverage the firm’s expertise in large and small diameter water/wastewater pipeline design and construction to grow the firm’s capabilities within the Dallas and Fort Worth region.”

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As senior leader for an array of water contracts, Rahman has established client relationships locally and nationally. He was the first to receive Dallas Water Utilities’ and the city of Oklahoma City Water’s approval of welded steel pipe for water transmission, as well as the city of Houston’s approval of large diameter PVC pressure pipe.

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He was directly involved in two of the largest welded steel pipe projects in the US in recent years: the 21-mile Provo Reservoir Canal Enclosure Project of 120-inch diameter polyurethane lined and coated steel pipe in Utah and the 150-mile, 96-in. diameter Integrated Pipe Line (IPL) project at Tarrant Regional Water District in Texas.

Rahman also worked on various large diameter PCCP rehabilitation projects with carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) and steel relining and sliplining systems throughout California with water purveyors such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, San Diego County Water Authority, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

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Rahman earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Virginia Military Institute and a Master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University. He is certified by the Buried Asset Management Institute as an Associate Water Asset Manager and serves on the organization’s board of directors. Throughout his career, Rahman has been active in professional organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Water Works Association (AWWA), Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), in addition to being an active participant on multiple technical committees.

He served as an associate editor for ASCE’s Journal of Pipeline Systems and Practice for the last decade and was technical chair of the 2008 and 2014 ASCE Pipelines Conference. Rahman’s technical papers have been published in professional journals and conference proceedings and he has contributed several chapters in trenchless and pipeline textbooks.

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