Inuktun Services Partners with Integrity Diagnostics as its Agent in Israel

Inuktun Services Ltd. (ISL) hassigned an agreement to make Integrity Diagnostics Ltd. (ID) its exclusive agentin Israel.

ID is one of the leading suppliersof testing products and systems in the Middle Eastern country. The company,founded by Dr. Boris Muravin, has extensive experience working with the Israeligovernment and private companies in aerospace, defence, petrochemical, powerand other industries.

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Jeff Christopherson, who works intechnical sales with ISL, says that the new partnership with ID will helpInuktun develop its Israeli market.

“This is an area we would like todevelop as there are clear oil and gas, as well as security and militaryopportunities in the region,” he says.

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Muravin agrees, saying that he seesa “good opportunity” for ISL in Israel. “There is an increasing demand forremote, unmanned solutions in a number of industries that can be answered by awide range of Inuktun products,” he says “This, in combination with the superbsupport we get from Inuktun, will help to penetrate the Israeli market.”


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