Woolpert Hits the Muddy Trenches for a Great Cause
On Saturday, July 27, a group of 20 Woolpert employees and friendscompeted in a five-mile obstacle run in Cincinnati to support the OhioValley Chapter of the National MS Society.
The competitive spirit built as time progressed, even as the rainpoured, yet the underlying purpose for climbing the muddy obstaclesconnected them all. Cincinnati’s MuckFest MS, the event that promptedeveryone to commit themselves to this messy adventure, supported onecause: the National MS Society.
During the race, obstacles included crossing a mud-filled ditch on a6-in. wide plank, swinging and jumping into a muddy pool of water,climbing over 10-ft tall fences, maneuvering on all fours in muddy mazesand many others that challenged the participants.
Even though mud covered everything by the end of the race, everyoneadmitted to having an amazing time. Plus, everyone felt great about theamount of money raised for researching multiple sclerosis and assistingthose with the condition. Afterward, employees were able to relax withfood and beer while chatting about their favorite and most challengingobstacles in the course.
One hundred percent of the registration fees and fundraising wentdirectly to the organization. More than 1,200 other “muckers” andvolunteers raised nearly $50,000 for the Ohio Valley Chapter of theNational MS Society.