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Trenchless Technology Canada Association Updates: Spring 2019

Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT)Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT)

The winter term (January to April 2019) has been busy for CATT. CATT’s Seminar Committee organized four successful workshops on topics such as helping municipalities to identify appropriate rehab technologies, spray-in-place-pipe, manhole assessment and rehabilitation, and microtunnelling. Additionally, CATT and OGRA (Ontario Good Roads Association) organized a two-day introduction to trenchless technologies workshop.

CATT and Fleming College will conduct four-day HDD field course entitled “Horizontal Directional Drilling: Design to Construction”. The course will be held from May 27-30, 2019. For further information, please visit

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In January, Hamed Mohammadifardi successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “Life cycle Sustainability Assessment of asset management plans for municipal wastewater systems.” In March, Kay took his Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam entitled “Design and Performance of Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Watermain Liners.” CATT has completed short-term burst testing for a variety of reinforced CIPP liners and PVC pipes.

Every year CATT recognizes outstanding professionals, organizations and projects that are instrumental in advancing the trenchless industry locally and internationally. The nominations for the Awards of Excellence is open until May 31. For further details, visit

Consortium for Engineered Trenchless Technologies (CETT)

The Consortium for Engineered Trenchless Technologies at the University of Alberta operates alongside the NSERC Associate Industrial Research Chair in Underground Trenchless Construction. Cutting-edge research at CETT is informed by relationships with a number of industrial partners, including The Crossing Company, TELUS Communications, UniqEnergy Solutions, BGC Engineering, and INROCK.

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CETT researchers recently attended the NASTT No-Dig Show in Chicago. Ashkan Faghih, who is undertaking Ph.D. research with CETT, was awarded Second Place in the Student Poster Competition. The University of Alberta NASTT Student Chapter was also recognized with the First Place Award in the Annual Presentations, out of a group of 19 schools across North America.

A successful workshop on Water and Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation was held in February. Upcoming courses include a first-time workshop on Planning and Design of Direct Pipe Projects (May 2) and the Horizontal Directional Drilling Course (May 28-30), both in Calgary. Registration for both workshops is through the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension website.

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CETT is pleased to announce the first annual FTTx Underground Construction Workshop (May 8-9, 2019). This workshop focuses on fibre construction from the perspective of all stakeholders: service providers, municipalities, construction contractors, and equipment manufacturers. For more information, contact Lana Gutwin at

Watch for the upcoming Water Main Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Survey to be released soon.

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NASTT British Columbia ChapterNASTT BC

NASTT has been a leader, to much debate and controversy, in the push for “going green” in the fast-moving world and the evolving political climate we live in. This ties in with our theme this year for the Trenchless Technology Road Show and should be our general statement for the use of trenchless technologies in British Columbia…Going Green. In past years, through the advocacy of the current membership and leadership team, great strides have been made in attaining the recognition that using trenchless technologies is the green choice. Reducing traditional practices and replacing them with innovations of trenchless, saves time and money and reduces our carbon footprint.

RELATED: Trenchless Technology Accepted in B.C.’s Green Communities Carbon Neutral Framework

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This was first established through the introduction of the trenchless carbon calculator by NASTT BC, and as you read in the Winter 2019 issue of Trenchless Technology Canada, the BC government will allow the use of trenchless to be a recipient of green carbon capture credits. This impact of issuing the green credit will greatly affect our businesses and should raise the bar and anticipated use of trenchless in the province. We have a great opportunity to spread the word and usher in this new era of accountable construction practices, through the responsible use of trenchless technologies.

All of the efforts put forth by NASTT BC are only as strong as our membership and an active trenchless community can only be maintained by participation and advocacy. This is a call to all members of the community to participate and become active in NASTT BC events and to promote trenchless in your own workplace. This year of “Going Green” can be our call to advocate and educate our respective workplaces, and assist in establishing the new normal by using trenchless technologies and reaping the mutual benefit of carbon capture credits to the project owner, and increased awareness of trenchless technology.

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nastt northwest chapterNASTT NW

The Northwest Chapter is proud to be jointly presenting No-Dig North Conference in partnership with the Canadian chapters of NASTT. The conference will take place in Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 28-30 at the TELUS Conference Centre. The Canadian chapters of NASTT are accepting applications for the 2019 Project of the Year awards which will be presented at the No-Dig North Conference. There will be an award for the Canadian Project of the Year, as well as individual awards for the BC Chapter, GLSLA Chapter and NW Chapter. Projects submitted for consideration must be located within Canada, utilize at least one form of trenchless technology and be in some form of activity between November 2018 and November 2019. The deadline to submit is June 30.

RELATED: Submit Projects for 2019 No-Dig North Project of the Year Awards

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For more information on sponsorship, tradeshow booth, delegate registration, and Project of the Year awards, visit

We are also accepting applications for the NASTT-NW Municipal and Utility Scholarship for the No-Dig North Conference. The scholarship is open to employees of municipalities, government agencies and utility owners who have limited or no training funds due to economic challenges. To apply for the scholarship, visit The deadline to apply is June 28.

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We closed out another great Technical Lunch Program in both Edmonton and Calgary. We will be planning the 2019-2020 program over the summer and I would like to extend an invitation to our chapter members to submit topics for this program. If you have a specific topic or project that you would like to see us spotlight, please reach out and let us know. For more information, email


UESI Alberta-BC hosted an initial information session meeting on April 5, at the Associated Engineering Office, 9888 Jasper Avenue. UESI offers professionals working within the utility, pipeline engineering, and surveying/geomatics communities the opportunity to network with others and shape the future of the industry by participating in technical activities, conferences and the development of internationally recognized standards. For more information or to get involved, contact Ophir Wainer at For general information regarding UESI you can visit the website at

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RELATED: Register Today for UESI Pipelines 2019 Conference Workshops


The UESI GTA- Ontario Chapter is proud to be working with CATT for the Sept. 9 2019 UESI education day summit. This will be a full day of UESI topics that will provide insight into the different standing committees that USEI has and update son the upcoming ASCE 38 rerelease and other relevant standards. If you are interested in joining or just learning more about UESI, reach out to Blaine Hunt at or call 905-668-8822.

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Editor’s Note: In each issue, Trenchless Technology Canada features the “Association Updates” section to highlight the happenings in the various associations across Canada related to the trenchless field. Information is provided by the associations and there is no cost to submit. To submit information for our Summer 2019 edition, that mails in August, email managing editor Mike Kezdi, at Deadline for submissions for that issue is July 9.

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