Trenchless Technology News

Trenchless Technology Accepted in B.C.’s Green Communities Carbon Neutral Framework

After years of work, the British Columbia Chapter of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT-BC) announced that trenchless technology used on construction projects in British Columbia will qualify for green carbon capture credits. Drivers of this initiative are David O’ Sullivan, of PW Trenchless, and Preston Creelman, of Royal Building Products.

Since 2007, the joint Provincial – UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) has worked with local governments to assist them in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including developing a common approach for carbon neutrality.

In 2011, the GCC established the Carbon Neutral Framework for local governments in British Columbia that included four steps (measure, reduce, offset/balance and report) and two types of projects – Option 1 and Option 2 projects – that local governments can undertake to reduce GHG emissions within their communities as a way of balancing their corporate GHG emissions.

RELATED: Measuring the Benefits of Trenchless

Option 1 projects are pre-defined projects approved by the GCC. Option 2 projects are projects proposed and undertaken by the local government and validated and verified by third parties. The GCC has previously developed and approved five Option 1 GHG reduction projects – supported by five related project profiles.

On Jan. 17, the GCC announced that a sixth project profile – the Trenchless Technology Project – was approved for Option 1. A GCC Carbon Calculator spreadsheet and project profile, providing guidance on estimating the emission reductions associated with using trenchless technologies, rather than conventional open-cut trenching, is available at (under the “how” tab).
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