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Submit Projects for 2019 No-Dig North Project of the Year Awards

No-Dig North logoThe North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) Canadian chapters are accepting applications for its 2019 Project of the Year awards to be presented at the No-Dig North show.

This year, projects will be awarded for Canadian Project of the Year, BC Chapter Project of the Year, GLSLA Chapter Project of the Year and NW Chapter Project of the Year. Projects submitted for the awards must be located within Canada, use at least one form of trenchless technology and be in some form of activity between November 2018 and November 2019.

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Applicants are not required to be members of NASTT. All applications are eligible for the Canadian Project of the Year and the Chapter Project of the Year from which the project is located. The application deadline is June 30.

If you have an interesting project that meets these criteria and would like to submit an application for the Project of the Year award, please complete the form available at the link below. The project brief is limited to 1,000 words or less and should focus on what sets the project apart.

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The No-Dig North Project of the Year application can be found here.

Questions about the Project of the Year award can be directed to Greg Tippett, P.Eng., No-Dig North chair, at 780-917-7334 or

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Following the application deadline, an independent review panel, made up of industry professionals, will review the submissions and make an award selection by mid-August. Judges evaluate submissions based on level of difficulty/project-specific challenges, innovation/unique application of the technology, advancement of the technology and technical excellence.

The successful applicant will be notified of the award in late-August and will be required to provide a 25 minute presentation describing the project at No-Dig North in October. The award will be officially presented at the No-Dig North Opening Breakfast.

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No-Dig North is set to take place Oct. 28-30 at the Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, Alberta, and is a collaboration of NASTT and its three Canadian chapters. The show will consist of two days of technical paper presentations and industry exhibits in the trenchless technology field. Pre-event Good Practices Courses will be available on Oct. 28.

Registration for No-Dig North is now open and the agenda will be available soon. For more information, visit the conference website at

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