TRACTO-TECHNIK Celebrates Its 50th Jubilee

TRACTO-TECHNIK recently celebrated its 50th anniversary with 600 employees, business partners and numerous other guests.

The anniversary party took place – as always in the Schmidt residence – on Oct. 31, the birthday of company founder Paul Schmidt, who would have been 90 years old.

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Lennestadt Mayor Stefan Hundt brought a very special present for the company jubilee : The Reiherstrasse, the road where the company’s head office is located, was to be re-named the Paul-Schmidt-Strasse. Right up to the unveiling of the road name, nobody in the audience was aware of this special surprise.  Hundt even brought the road sign with him and pointed out the importance of TRACTO-TECHNIK in his speech, not only for the town and the region, but also for the trenchless installation trade and industry. He also raised the point of the high degree of awareness of the mole as a market symbol for the company.

Company owner Wolfgang Schmidt highlighted in his speech the innovative character of the company and displayed on a screen how his father had exemplified the innovative spirit over the years. Most of all he thanked the employees, including the numerous pensioners, who had helped to build and influence the company.

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All the guests watched an impressive film, showing the formation of TRACTO-TECHNIK, right up to the present day, just like a journey through time. After the festive dinner gala the casual part of the evening started, which carried on into the early hours of the next morning. All in all, a truly successful and unforgettable evening.

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