Successful PUG Seminar Held

The Northern California Pipe User’s Group’s (PUG’s) annualseminar held on Feb. 24 in Berkeley, Calif., was again a success thanks to theexcellent guest speakers and strong turnout. The 13th annual SharingTechnologies Seminar encompassed a distinguished keynote speaker, as well asseven engaging and informative presentations ranging in topic from “ApplyingTechnology to Sanitary Sewer Collection System Maintenance” to “Limited AccessStorm Drain Rehabilitation.”

Tom Iseley, president of the Buried AssetManagement Institute-Inter-national (BAMI-I), kicked off the seminar as thekeynote speaker with his presentation, “Why Making Asset Management Work IsCritical.” The remaining morning session presentations also had a strong focuson sanitary sewer systems capacity, management, operations and maintenance(CMOM) and design.

The afternoon session presentations focused uponpublic outreach efforts associated with public projects, and upon design andconstruction challenges associated with various pipeline construction andrehabilitation projects (size, material and methods for construction varied ineach presentation).

Aside from the wealth of information provided in thepresentations, public agency representatives, consultants and contractors wereinvited to visit vendor displays during the coffee and lunchtime breaks. Vendorswho set up tabletop displays included Raven Lining Systems, P&FDistributors, Titus Industrial Group and Ameron International.

Anhonorable mention goes out to all speakers, including: Iseley; Patrick Hassey,Sacramento County Sanitation District; Peter Sevcik, West Valley SanitationDistrict; Harry Lorick, LA Consulting; Russ Bergholz, Dudek & Associates;Elizabeth Lee and Heleana Galvan, Sacramento County Sanitation District; CraigSmith, MWH Americas; Scott Christie, City of San Pablo; Russ Eberwein, Harris& Associates; Steve Klein, Jacobs Associates; Will Wilshire, LockwoodAndrews and Newnam; and Robert Lux, Ameron International.

Abstracts forthe seminar’s presentations may be found on the Pipe User’s Group’s Web site

Cindy Preuss is secretary for the NorthernCalifornia Pipe Users Group and a project manager with Harris & Associates.

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