RJN Group Inc. Expands in Northwest Arkansas

RJN Group Inc. (RJN), provider of civil engineering consulting services for distribution and collection systems, has hired Shannon Jones, P.E. as a senior project manager and Clay Thompson as a client manager in its Fayetteville, Ark., office.

RJN has maintained offices in the Northwest Region of Arkansas since 1992, and the addition to the RJN team marks significant growth in services that RJN can offer in the region.
Jones has more than 15 years of experience in the engineering field. He has a Bachelor and Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Arkansas and is licensed as a professional engineer, a Grade IV Water Distribution Operator, and a Class III Wastewater Treatment Operator in the State of Arkansas. At RJN, he will be responsible for project engineering and management on projects focused on sanitary sewer evaluation studies (SSES); SSO abatement programs; water distribution and wastewater collection system design; lift station design; wastewater treatment; flow monitoring; and hydraulic modeling. Prior to joining RJN, Jones worked with the City of Fayetteville, Ark.

Thompson has more than 10 years of experience in the engineering field. He has a Bachelor and Master of Science in Civil Engineering with environmental emphasis from the University of Arkansas. At RJN, he will be responsible for working with current client relationships in the region and developing new relationships in the Northwest Region of Arkansas, as well as parts of Eastern Kansas, Missouri, and Northeast Oklahoma. Prior to joining RJN, Thompson worked with BlueInGreen LLC as a regional sales engineer, introducing new technologies into the municipal drinking water and wastewater market. 
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