Pure Technologies Announces $17.2 Million in New Work

Pure Technologies Ltd. (TSX: PUR) recently announced that Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), Laurel, Md., has approved the award of new work to Openaka (a division of Pure’s Engineering Services Group) worth up to $17.2 million.

The award consists of the exercise of an option to extend a contract awarded to Openaka in January 2009 by $9 million, and a change order for $8.2 million to extend the scope of inspection and monitoring services from pipelines greater than 48-in. diameter to pipelines greater than 36 in. in diameter.

Under the contract, Openaka will provide inspection, condition assessment, integrity monitoring and risk analysis services to assist WSSC in the management of its prestressed pipelines. Technologies to be deployed under the contract will include Pure’s SmartBall leak detection system, PureRobotics electromagnetic inspection system and SoundPrint AFO optical fiber acoustic monitoring system.

WSSC has approximately 350 miles of prestressed concrete pipelines greater than 16 in. in diameter in its system. To date, Openaka has inspected, and is monitoring, approximately 60 miles of pipeline. The expansion of the contract will extend the program to approximately 130 miles.

Commenting on the award, Mike Higgins, vice president of Pure’s engineering services group said, “The WSSC pipeline management program is one of the most advanced asset integrity management programs anywhere in the world. WSSC is using technology-driven solutions to extend the life of its critical transmission mains at a fraction of the cost of replacement of the assets. At a time when water and wastewater utilities are faced with increasing challenges maintaining aging infrastructure under severe budgetary constraints, this program serves as a model for responsible fiscal management. The expansion of the program is validation of this strategy and we are proud to work with WSSC on its execution.”
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