Publisher’s Message – It’s Official: The HDD Rodeo Rides Again!
In my early days at Benjamin Media — publisher of Trenchless Technology — we hosted our first HDD Rodeo in 1998 (with a lot of help from folks in the industry). By far one of my favorite industry events, drill crews came from as far away as Europe to compete for bragging rights and hefty prize packages. There were educational sessions, outdoor exhibits and BBQs, and networking events to bring everyone together in the evening. And on the final day, you could feel the excitement in the air as the competition heated up, judges tallied the numbers, and the winning crews were announced!
Subsequently, we held three more HDD Rodeos in the early 2000s, averaging 800 attendees, 50 exhibitors, and 30 drill crews. Each time, industry companies donated more than $100,000 in prizes, amplifying the thrill of the competition.
After much consideration, Benjamin Media’s conference team decided it’s time to bring back the HDD Rodeo! We officially announced its return in March: the HDD Rodeo will take place Sept. 25-27, 2024, in Independence, Missouri. And, because World Trenchless Day is on Sept. 26 this year, there will be a World Trenchless Day party held during the Rodeo event, as well! The World Trenchless Day Party is open to everyone in the industry.
It’s important for our industry to have events like the Rodeo, as they serve as a catalyst for growth, improvement and camaraderie. These fun and unique events provide a platform for drillers to showcase their skills and learn from each other. Winning or even participating in competitions like the Rodeo provide recognition for hard work and expertise, motivating individuals to excel in their field. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, events like the HDD Rodeo help to raise awareness about the industry and the importance of the work being done.
Get more information about the HDD Rodeo and the World Trenchless Day party at hddrodeo.com. Hope to see you there!
Our Cover Story
For more than three decades, Trenchless Technology has served as the definitive guide to the people and companies that drive innovation and propel our industry forward.
In this issue, our cover story features an industry powerhouse and leader in FFRP pipe rehabilitation, Primus Line. In operation for more than 20 years, the company has expanded globally, focusing significantly on the North American market through subsidiaries in the United States and Canada. Managing editor Mike Kezdi spoke with John Moody, Primus Line director of sales for the United States and Canada, providing an in-depth look at their beginnings in Germany, initial challenges launching in North America, their unique offerings and plans for the future.
As always, we are here to serve you, our readers. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at kvannatten@benjaminmedia.com.
Until next month!
Publisher, Trenchless Technology