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Editor’s Message – So Long, Print! Hello, Digital!

As the headline suggests, there’s big changes afoot for this publication. It’s really quite simple, we’re moving to an all-digital format. 

While there are many reasons for this change – namely the cost to print a publication, mail it and maintain a free subscription base is atomically high – the important thing to note is we’re not changing anything else. You, our loyal readers, can expect the same great coverage delivered to your email inbox four times a year. 

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Heck, this change will actually provide you with a better product. Take for example our magazine page counts. These are essentially set in stone for the print version. Because of this, we’ll often cut some great photos out of a story as opposed to trimming the word count. With only a digital version to look after, we’ll be able to better adjust the page counts to suit the stories. 

That means we can offer larger photos and more of them, creating a more engaging and eye-appealing layout. We’ll also be able to run longer stories – great for our internally written articles – but even better for our contributors. They can really dive into the gritty details of a project that, otherwise, might be eschewed due to space. 

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Allow me to channel my inner Ron Popeil, “But wait, there’s more!” We’re also exploring other ways to improve Trenchless Technology Canada in its digital-only format, like the addition of video or audio to make the articles more interactive. 

One final note about this change. We’re committed to delivering you a timely magazine and going digital allows us to control the release date. So, get your markers out and circle March 12, June 11, Sept. 10 and Dec. 10 on your 2025 calendars. These are the days you’ll first see the newest issues of Trenchless Technology Canada in your inbox.

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Add to your email safe senders list. This is the email address that deploys the digital issue notifications. Adding it to the safe sender list will minimize the likelihood that the digital issue is going to your junk or spam folders. 

I uppose there is one more thing I should note here, and it might be the most important thing, especially if you only receive our print subscription. 

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It’s imperative that you visit and update your information, so we have your email address in our database.

In This Issue

I didn’t spend a whole heck of a lot of time focused on what the Winter 2024 issue offers. Of note is our recap of NASTT’s 2024 No-Dig North and its associated rehabilitation and new installation project of the year awards. Read that coverage, at the link above. Two outstanding projects for sure that both involved teamwork and innovation to achieve a successful completion. 

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Turn to Pg. 30 where we have our annual look at some of the best in trenchless engineering firms in Canada – a sister piece to Trenchless Technology’s Top 50 Trenchless Engineering Firms survey results which is in its Noveember/December issue. Thank you to all who participate in submitting project highlights. 

Following that story are our print directories of Canadian Trenchless Professional Services Providers and Canadian Manufacturers & Suppliers. We’re at the tail end of our directory season, which means that it’s time for you to visit and add or update your information for free. 

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Those who do will be included in the printed Directory of the North American Trenchless Technology Industry in the May 2025 issue of Trenchless Technology. 

That’s it for this month. If you’d like to chat, feel free to email or call – the info is all here at the bottom of my column. 

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As we wrap up another incredible year, let’s take a moment to celebrate our achievements and look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to a bright and prosperous new year!

Mike Kezdi

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Managing Editor

Trenchless Technology Canada

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O: 330-752-1916

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