Power Dynamics Innovations Products Now Display the Section 179 Qualified Products Seal

PDI Section 179 FriendlyPower Dynamics Innovations (PDI) wants to help its customers save money and one of those ways is letting them know that PDI products are “Section 179 Friendly.”

By displaying the Section 179 tax deduction eligible seal, it reminds customers of the tax saving benefits now available through “The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015” signed into law December 2015. There have been various stimulus acts and bills passed by Congress that greatly affect Section 179.

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“Careful reading of these acts and bills is required; it is entirely possible that our customers are unaware of the tax benefits and how these benefits will affect their capital equipment budgets,” says Carl Liberty, PDI’s managing member. “The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 raised Section 179 back to a $500,000 deduction limit, and it brought back the $2 million spending cap and the 50 percent bonus depreciation. This means a substantial savings to customers who purchase our equipment.”

“The more our customers know about Section 179, the better it is for equipment manufacturers. We have provided a link on our webpage to section179.org,” says Charles LaBiche III, PDI’s vice president of operations. “Our customers can go to this web page and click on the 2016 Section 179 Calculator to see how much their capital equipment purchase can save them.”

PDI has developed a line of Dynamic Power horizontal directional drilling solutions available from 500,000 to 1 million lbs of pullback. PDI’s new HDD 500 is available for immediate delivery. With the Section 179 tax advantage, the purchase or lease of this product should produce a substantial return of purchase dollars. These tax saving benefits should be considered in capital equipment purchases.

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“This savings could make the difference between our customers purchasing equipment today or pushing the purchase out to a later date,” says Liberty.

PDI’s integrated manufacturing system works to provide customers with safe, high performance, and cost effective “Section 179 Friendly” products. PDI’s full service facility encompasses 51,000 sq ft, housing offices, warehouse, machine shop, fabrication and assembly plus service areas within NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Southeast Mississippi.  For more information, contact Liberty at 228-689-8560, 228-689-8580 or email sales@powerdynamicsllc.com.
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