Louisiana Tech Hosts Leaders from China
The Trenchless Technology Center (TTC) at Louisiana Tech University recently hosted a delegation from China’s largest petroleum pipeline construction and engineering firm to share information about technologies being developed at the University, exchange ideas and to lay the groundwork for possible future collaborations.
Leaders from the China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP), which employs about 40,000 and accounts for nearly 85 percent of China’s total volume of domestic pipeline construction, made a special trip to the United States to meet with Louisiana Tech and TTC researchers as well as two other research organizations.
“This visit is another step in the strengthening of U.S.-China collaborative research in the area of trenchless technology and critical underground infrastructure issues, an initiative that is actively promoted by the Pipeline Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering,” said Dr. Erez Allouche, research director for the TTC.
“TTC representatives are scheduled to present two technical papers at the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology to be held in Wuhan [China] this fall, which will continue fostering our growing ties with China’s pipeline and utility construction industry.”
The delegation from CPP included its president Zhao Yujian, assistant president Gao Zetao, director of foreign affairs Ma Chunqing, manager of pipeline inspection Cao Chongzhen, and engineer-foreign affairs Zhang Yongxin.
One of the group’s primary objectives was to find possible opportunities to build long-term technical and business cooperation with Louisiana Tech and the TTC, especially as it pertains to trenchless technology applications in petroleum pipelines.
During their visit, CPP leaders heard presentations from Allouche and Dr. Rob McKim, administrative director of the TTC, and took a tour of Louisiana Tech and TTC laboratory facilities.
Founded in 1973, CPP is the only transnational company in China that specializes in engineering prospecting, consulting, designs, procurement, construction and management of long-transport pipeline, auxiliary facilities, medium and large storage tank, electric power and communications. CPP has designed, constructed and completed in the Chinese market more than 30,000 km of heavy caliber and long-distance pipelines for transport of various medium, such as oil, gas, pulp solution and product oil.
“The opportunity for cooperation with one of the world’s largest pipeline engineering organizations is exciting for the TTC, Louisiana Tech, and the State of Louisiana,” said McKim. “Collaboration with CPP opens many doors for our students, researchers, and local industry. Louisiana has one of the most active pipeline industries in the United States and we can all benefit mutually from this connection.”
Both Allouche and McKim have been invited to visit the home office of the CPP in Langfang City, China to further advance this relationship.
The TTC promotes research, development and technology transfer in the trenchless technology industry and educates engineers, contractors and government agencies about the availability and capability of trenchless methods for the solution of complex underground infrastructure problems.