Kelly VanNatten Promoted to Publisher of Trenchless Technology
January begins a new year and new beginnings. 2022 is bringing exciting and dynamic changes to Trenchless Technology — the No. 1 source for trenchless news. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary year, company founder and publisher Bernie Krzys has announced that associate publisher Kelly (Dadich) VanNatten has been promoted to publisher.
As publisher, VanNattan will oversee the business operations of the Trenchless Technology brand and work with the leadership team to ensure we continue to provide timely and relevant content across all of our print and digital network channels.
VanNatten is well known in the trenchless industry, having been with Trenchless Technology for 25 years. She started as marketing coordinator and became a sales representative and later director of sales and associate publisher. She has also worked in several departments, including advertising sales, marketing, circulation and conferences. In her new position at Trenchless Technology, VanNattan will continue to serve as director of sales in addition to her publisher duties.
”I’m excited for this new role and am truly looking forward to working with the Trenchless Technology team to build on the successes of our past 30 years,” VanNattan says. ”Our goal is to connect the industry by serving trenchless professionals with interesting, relevant, useful and inspiring content. Thirty years ago, we did this once a month via Trenchless Technology magazine. Today, we serve the trenchless industry daily, through our website, eNewsletters, topic-specific Special Reports, webinars, Guides and much more. Looking ahead, we will continue to evolve with the way we deliver content, reaching subscribers where they are.”
Bernie Krzys has served as publisher since he founded the magazine and has been the face of the trenchless media for more than 30 years. He is also a member of the NASTT Hall of Fame, inducted in its inaugural class in 2012. Though taking a step back, he will still be found at industry shows and events.
“After 30 years at the helm of this incredible brand, I have decided that now is the time to turn over the leadership reins to our talented and veteran staff, who literally have trenchless technology in their blood,” Krzys says. “I am certainly not going away. You will still see me at industry functions and I will be serving as an advisor to this leadership group.”
These are exciting times for Trenchless Technology, as well as the trenchless technology industry. VanNattan is looking forward the innovative and significant changes the industry will be experiencing in the coming years and coming to Trenchless Technology magazine to have those innovative and significant changes presented in an objective and informative fashion.
“I think back to when I first started with Trenchless Technology 25 years ago and how much the industry has changed since then,” says VanNattan. “Trenchless technology has become more widely accepted; there’s been significant growth in the number of companies involved in trenchless, and numerous advancements have been made with trenchless products/equipment. Looking ahead, I see continued growth and development in the years to come… think electric equipment, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the work coming ahead due to undergrounding power/communication lines, etc.”