Jack Doheny Companies Indiana Public Works Show a Success
June 27, 2012
Jack Doheny Companies conducted its first annual Public Works Equipment Show June 7 in Indiana to help educate local municipal and Industrial professionals on the most efficient operation of their cleaning equipment and display the newest technologies that are available. Â
The Equipment Show process has been refined more than 25 years at its Michigan and Ohio Facilities to advance the knowledge of waste water, public works and Industrial professionals.
The Doheny Equipment Show is a day-long event that includes advanced and basic training seminars for the operation of Vactor Sewer Cleaning trucks and Street Sweepers. These seminars run the gamut from proper nozzle usage and technique to advanced vacuum principals. Each class focuses on a specific aspect of operation and how that feature can be optimized to reduce cleaning time and fuel usage.
By educating municipal and Industrial operators, Doheny Companies hopes to save them thousands of dollars annually in man hours and fuel costs. In essence, the Jack Doheny Public Works Equipment Show is the company’s yearly opportunity to give back to the communities and ensure that fellow residents are receiving water treatment service from some of the finest operators in the world.