Inuktun Services Ltd. Boosts Its Presence in Europe by Expanding Its Scotland-based Distribution and Service Center

Over the past three years, ISL hasmade major inroads in the European oil and gas and nuclear power markets.Inuktun Europe sells, rents and services ISL’s customizable Remotely OperatedVehicles (ROVs) and modular robotic systems.

“Inuktun Europe was created toexpand our European market and provide a regional servicing facility to supportexisting customers and future clients,” explains Brian Storie, the directorof Inuktun Europe. “Europe is a market that always had great potential forISL. We’re working to realize that potential and making inroads.”

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Inuktun Europe is based inAberdeen, Scotland, which is known as the European oil capital. Storie saysthat the distribution and service center is ideally situated for ISL’s Europeanclients. “Aberdeen is the local hub for the oil and gas sector,” heexplains.

Storie says the expandeddistribution and service center will help ISL better serve clients looking torent or buy robotic systems. When he initially launched Inuktun Europe in 2010,he worked out of his home. “Demonstrating rental equipment from home is abit of a challenge,” says Storie with a laugh.

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He adds, “In the new premises,we offer product support and servicing of equipment. We’ve also increased therental pool.”

The new expanded office space also hasmore room for product maintenance and servicing. “We’ve grown from myselfbeing a one-man band to getting our first technician a year and a half ago andwe’ve grown from there,” says Storie.

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The latest addition to the InuktunEurope team is technical manager Russell Fraser. He has more than 20 years ofexperience working with surface and downhole tools in the oil and gas industry.Most recently, Fraser was stationed in the Middle East as a general fieldengineer, working on 3D vertical seismic profile technology among other things.

European companies are particularlyinterested in ISL products because of their versatility, says Storie. ISL cancustomize the ROVs and modular robotic systems to suit clients’ needs. TheCanadian company, which was founded in 1989, has built a reputation on thereliability, efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness of its products.

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Inuktun Europe is part of theinternational Inuktun enterprise, which includes American distributor InuktunUS and other global agents in Europe, South America and Asia. The company’sheadquarters is located in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.


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