Dan Sharpe to Lead Sharewell HDD Sales Efforts

Dan Sharpe - Sharewell HDD ServicesDan Sharpe has joined Sharewell HDD Services as vice president and partowner and president of its new products subsidiary, Sharewell DrillingProducts LLC. In his new role, Sharpe will lead the company’s sales,marketing and product development efforts.

“Dan brings with him decades of experience and a keen eye toward theindustry,” says Sharewell HDD LLC CEO Todd Caspary. “His leadership willbe invaluable as we expand our product line and the services we offerour customers worldwide.”

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Sharpe, who began his career as a floor hand and derrick hand on oil andgas rigs, brings with him almost 30 years of drilling experience,including his most recent position as vice president of sales andmarketing for American Augers. In addition, he holds a B.A. in BusinessCommunications and a Masters in International Business.

Sharewell is the leading supplier of downhole drilling tools, guidancesystems and services for the horizontal directional drilling industry.Partnering with contractors involved in pipeline, telecommunications andutility projects, Sharewell offers complete solution for any size HDDproject.

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Founded in 1984, Sharewell was the first service company in the worlddedicated solely to servicing the HDD pipeline and utility industry.Since then, they have earned customers’ trust by consistently deliveringreliability, innovation and performance, and by seeking out strategicpartnerships to provide the highest quality products and services in theindustry.

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