Brawoliner Expands Building Pipe Lining Options

BRAWOLINER HT is anew domestic pipes rehabilitation system launched recently and which will bewidely available from June 2013. With increasing emphasis in the market onrehabilitation rather than replacing pipelines in the domestic situations andinside buildings of various types to minimize disruption and internal damage,BRAWOLINER HT has been specifically designed to achieve these aims.

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The rehabilitation ofleaking sewage pipes in domestic property and buildings has for a long timeonly been possible by replacing old with new pipe. To avoid the expenseinvolved in this, liners were occasionally fitted for buried pipes for lack ofany suitable alternative. There are, however, risks inherent in this as theinstallations often do not meet the structural requirements with respect tostability at high temperature, flammability, etc. In particular high orconstantly changing wastewater temperatures can greatly impair the success anddurability of any renovation, until now.


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The recent launch ofthe new BRAWOLINER HT system means these problems are now a thing of the past. Thehigh and variable temperatures that can occur, for example, in kitchen orwashing machine waste flows present a particular challenge. To achieve apermanent repair the stability of any rehabilitation system at temperaturesgreater than 93 C is necessary. In addition, for example, in Germany, for firesafety reasons, all rehabilitation solutions for wastewater pipes in buildingsmust meet a minimum for German building materials class B2 in accordance withDIN 4102-1 standards. The system is also DIBt approved for use in verticalpipes, making ideal for internal building pipe work.

For domesticrehabilitation situations, the world-renowned BRAWOLINER has been modified witha special temperature-stable film. This now means thatsteam curing is now also possible athigh temperatures. The BRAWOLINER HT system now offers, in addition to theadvantages of the tried-and-tested BRAWOLINER:

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· Negotiation of bendsof up to 90 degrees

· Potential for twodimension changes during a lining run

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· Hot curing with steamor water

To meet the specialrequirements of working within a building/domestic environment the company hasalso developed the new BRAWO HT resin that has been specially formulated forsuch use. Together with the proven outstanding features of the well-known BRAWOresins, it meets all structural requirements including:

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· Dimensional stabilityat temperatures greater than 93 C

· Meets German buildingmaterials class B2 requirements in accordance with DIN 4102-1

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· Can be cold or warmcured


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 New Steam Generator

In sewer rehabilitation steam curing hasalso established itself alongside curing of the resin soaked liners with warmwater.

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In particular thishas found a significant market, during the rehabilitation of downpipes, wherecuring with water is only possible over short pipe sections of approximately 4m height difference due to the weight of water in the liner. Here steam curinghas clear advantages.

The new BRAWO SteamUnitBRAWOLINER offers a compact but efficient steam generator. With a heat outputof 56 kW the diesel-powered unit produces a steam quantity of 50 kg/hourenabling the curing of longer pipe sections in buildings and in buried pipes.

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The compactdimensions of the steam generator can be accommodated in a BRAWO renovationtruck/van or can, if required, be positioned directly on site.

The advantages of theBRAWO SteamUnit are:

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· It offers mobilesteam generation

· Intuitive controls

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· Ready for use in 15minutes

· Steam temperatures ofup to 159 C

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· Rapid curing (only 80minutes when used in combination with BRAWO HT resin)

To accelerate thecuring of connecting pipes and short downpipes in buildings the compact BRAWO SteamBoxL is also available. With integrated packer controls, the SteamBox L can alsobe used for rehabilitating connecting pieces.

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Advantages of BRAWO SteamBoxL are:

· Compact on site with theequipment weighing only 22 kg

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· A 9 litre boiler whichis refillable during operation

· 2 x 1,500 W heatingrods for rapid heating

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· Suitable for use witha 230 V lighting current (so a high voltage supply is not necessary)

· Integrated pressureand vacuum control

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For CJ KellyAssociates, John Kelly, senior partner said: “BRAWOLINERhas once again stepped up to meet the demands of a new and increasingly active marketsector with the introduction of its new BRAWOLINER HT system and the new BRAWOHT resins, as well as the new portable steam generator. It is with innovationslike these that BRAWOLINER continues to lead the field, particularly in thedomestic and ‘in-building’ rehabilitation market.”

This article wassupplied by CJ Kelly Associates, United Kingdom.

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