WaterTAP promotes the Ontario Water Sector in Israel

Supported by the Canadian Embassyin Tel Aviv, the Israel’s Economic Mission to Canada and WaterTAP, the Ministryof Research and Innovation and Ministry of Economic Development, Trade andEmployment organized a Water Technology Mission to Israel to participate in oneof the world’s largest water tech conferences, WATEC 2013, from Oct. 22-24 inTel Aviv, Israel.

“WATEC is a clear expression of theworldwide interest in water technology,” said WaterTAP CEO Brian Mergelas.“It’s exciting to attend this international gathering and to share Ontario’sstory and strengthen our bonds with Israel’s vibrant water sector.”

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Prior to the conference, he spokeabout opportunities and challenges in the Ontario water sector at a Canada-IsraelWater Technologies Partnering Event organized by the Canadian Embassy, Israel’sNational Water Company Mekorot and the Province of Ontario. Mergelas alsoparticipated in WATEC’s opening panel discussion on Joining Forces to DevelopSmart, Cost Effective Urban Water Utilities.

Led by Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ministerof Economic Development, Trade and Employment, the mission included Ontario’swater tech companies and universities such 2G Robotics, Clearford Industries,Echologics, Isotope Tracer Technologies, the Ontario Clean Water Agency, PureTechnologies, RealTech, Trent University, Water Quality Centre, the Universityof Guelph and WaterTAP all based at the Ontario Pavilion.

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About WaterTAPOntario

The Water Technology Acceleration Project (WaterTAP) was establishedin 2010 by the Government of Ontario. It brings private sector experience andguidance to helping water industry entrepreneurs access the resources they needto successfully commercialize their products and services and grow theirbusinesses.

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