Trenchless Technology Magazine Announces Project of the Year Award Winners


Trenchless Technology magazine,the leading publication covering the trenchless marketplace, has announced thewinners of its annual Projects of the Year. Projects are awarded in NewInstallation and Rehabilitation categories.

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The Project of the Year for New Installation is the EmpireConnector Extension project, which carries natural gas from the MarcellusShale. A single 2,643-ft horizontally drilled section was needed to cross theChemung River, Interstate 86, a major railroad, several wetland areas, and alocal road. The project included several trenchless methods to complete theinstallation through challenging ground conditions.

Other projects recognized in the New Installation categoryare: Keswick WPCP Effluent Outfall (Runner-up); JEA 36-in. River Crossing(Honorable Mention); and Hayes-Yorktown 230kv Transmission Line Crossing(Honorable Mention).

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The Project of the Year for Rehabilitation is theConsolidated Mutual Water Company (CMWC) Pipe Bursting Program. CMWC, locatedin the Denver area, is performing its own bursting to renew aging water lineswith minimal disruption to residents and businesses. The program hassignificantly reduced costs compared to dig-and-replace and is increasing waterquality.

Other projects recognized in the Rehabilitation categoryare: Trinity River Authority Large-Diameter CIPP (Runner-up); Alabama DOT HWY280 Emergency Storm Sewer Repair (Honorable Mention); and Lake Huron PrimaryWater Supply System Condition Assessment (Honorable Mention).

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Winners will be featured in the October 2013 issue of Trenchless Technology magazine andformally recognized at the 2014 No-Dig Show, to be held in Orlando, Fla.Winners are chosen on the basis of technical advancement, technical complexity,milestones and records achieved, interaction and cooperation, and advancementof the trenchless industry.


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