Trenchless Technology Canada Editor’s Message – Celebrate Underground Infrastructure
At this point, 2023 is more than halfway over. It’s hard to believe that, but as they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” And I hope that everyone reading this has had a fun first half of the year.
While the trenchless industry never really sleeps – there is trenchless and trenchless adjacent work being done around the clock in Canada – it does have its slower moments. In the fall and winter, operations tend to slow and that makes it an ideal time to drop in on a tradeshow, conference or educational short course.
As a matter of fact, in the current issue of Trenchless Technology Canada we preview two of those events – 2023 CUIIC Safety Academy and No-Dig North 2023. Read the previews and see what these events have to offer.
If you do attend in-person, be sure to stop and say hello. Trenchless Technology Canada and Benjamin Media will have representatives at both events. We love to hear from our readers. It helps us better understand the industry and shapes coverage in print and online.
Of course, there are more events that you can attend this fall. Those include The Utility Expo (, WEFTEC 2023 (, National Water & Wastewater Conference (, CCGA’s Damage Prevention Symposium (, and CERIU’s INFRA 2023 Congress
Celebrate Trenchless
While it’s not an in-person event, I think World Trenchless Day is one that everyone involved with the trenchless industry should participate in.
Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of September – in this case Sept. 28 – World Trenchless Day is a Global Day of Celebration of the trenchless industry. The idea is to come together to profess and celebrate trenchless technology’s social, environmental and economic benefits.
Visit for more info. Here, you’ll find some suggestions for what you can do to be part of the celebration.
For our part, Trenchless Technology Canada will participate in a live panel session webinar hosted by Trenchless Technology.
The webinar covers the successes and benefits of trenchless technologies. We are featuring a trio of system owners – including the Region of Peel and Toronto Water – to discuss their use of trenchless technologies, its benefits and much more. Best of all, we take live questions from the attendees throughout the discussion. At the end of the webinar session, we’ll announce the winners of the 2023 Trenchless Technology Project of the Year awards.
Visit for more information and to register for this free event. If you miss it, the archive will be available at the same URL until September 2024.
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Subscribers have the option to receive their magazines in print format or, taking the green approach, a digital subscription is available. If you want the best of both worlds, opt to receive both. Best of all, subscriptions are FREE to all subscribers in North America.
For those who already subscribe, it’s imperative that you renew yearly. This assures that you won’t miss a single issue and that your most up-to-date information is in our database. I know in the trenchless industry job titles or locations can change quickly. Visit and update your information.
Until next time,
Mike Kezdi is the managing editor of Trenchless Technology Canada.