Thomas W. Schmidt Promoted to VP of Business Development at Barbco
Thomas W. Schmidt, has been promoted to vice president of business development for East Canton, Ohio-based Barbco Inc.
Schmidt is manufacturing industry veteran with many years of leadership in numerous local plants including Harrison Paint, Heinemann Saw Company and Georgia Pacific. While reporting directly to Barbco’s owners, he will lead the charge to the company’s growth as a leading trenchless construction equipment manufacturer.
Schmidt is a long time Canton, Ohio resident with a B.A. from Kent State University, a MBA from the University of Akron. He holds APICS certification and is a Leadership Stark County graduate. He is also a passionate local business advocate and dedicated community volunteer. Currently, he is the treasurer for the National Sales and Marketing Executives, Akron Canton Board of Directors. He has recently been elected as vice president of the newly formed Stark County Manufacturer’s Workforce Development Partnership.
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He resides in Canton, Ohio and is married with two sons and two granddaughters.