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Submit an Abstract for the 2019 Trenchless Technology Road Show

Organizers of the 2019 Trenchless Technology Road Show are looking for experts in the trenchless field to share their knowledge at the show, which takes place May 7-8 in Richmond, British Columbia.

Organized by Benjamin Media (publisher of Trenchless Technology and Trenchless Technology Canada), the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) and The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s BC Chapter (NASTT-BC), the Trenchless Technology Road Show is the preeminent trenchless conference in Canada.

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The organizers encourage submission of abstracts from engineers and technicians, city/municipal engineers and technicians, technology suppliers, contractors, academics, graduate students, regulatory bodies and federal/provincial government personnel.

RELATED: Trenchless on Display: Second West Coast Trenchless Technology Road Show Grows

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Abstracts will be accepted through Oct. 15 and will be reviewed and considered for presentation by the conference technical committee. Abstracts can be submitted online by following this link.

For each abstract please identify how the presentation is unique and why it will be of interest to attendees. Past attendance included more than 300 public agencies, engineers, contractors and others involved in underground construction industry..

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kieran fieldTopics of interest include

  • New and or novel trenchless technologies and/or products
  • Case studies that demonstrate unique trenchless applications, design and/or use of trenchless construction method
  • Case Studies that demonstrate trenchless cost savings
  • Trenchless greenhouse gas emissions and social cost savings
  • Advances and application of water/wastewater infrastructure asset management practices
  • Water/wastewater renovation and condition assessment
  • Trenchless pipeline construction using pipe jacking, auger boring, pipe ramming, directional drilling, microtunnelling, and tunnelling techniques
  • Watermain/pressure pipe renovation using CIPP, SIPP, slip-lining, pipe-bursting, etc.
  • Wastewater/stormwater/Culverts/gravity pipe renovation using CIPP, GRP, slip-lining, pipe-bursting, grouting, etc.
  • Geotechnical considerations for reducing trenchless project delays and project costs.
  • Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) practices and case studies that show cost savings
  • Design of gravity and pressure pipelines
  • Utility damage prevention
  • Panel discussions that cover hot industry topics such as CIPP and Styrene, How to build Trenchless programs, etc.
  • Advances in industry standards
  • Trending industry topics
  • Trenchless research advancements

Abstract authors will be notified on the selection status by late November 2018 and a preliminary program will be available by mid-December.

mike sullivan keynoteHow will you benefit if your abstract is selected?

1) Provide an expert presentation to a targeted audience of key industry stakeholders

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2) Receive preferred attendee conference pricing

3) Gain acknowledgement as a technical expert in the conference technical program and on the conference website

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4) Earn Continuing Education Units (CEU’s)

5) Acquire industry exposure across Canada and in the Northwest United States

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Should you have questions on the show and/or abstract submission please contact Alice Seviora via email: alice.seviora@uwaterloo.ca or call 519-888-4770.

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