RJN Group to Prepare SRRR Plans for Baltimore County
February 20, 2014
RJN Group Inc. (RJN) has begun work on preparing four Sewershed Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (SRRR) Plans for Baltimore County per Consent Decree (CD) requirements, County SRRR Guidelines, and current Baltimore County policies and procedures.The SRRR Plans will be done for the Redhouse Run Sewershed, the Gray Manor Sewershed, the Essex Sewershed, and the Duck Creek Sewershed. RJN will coordinate the overall work of the project including project administration, subconsultant task assignment, MBE/WBE participation management, data review, development of recommendations, and SRRR plan preparation.
Each SRRR Plan will provide for future repair, replacement and rehabilitation of collection system components within each sewershed. Components of the SRRR Plan Sections include:
• Summary of Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) analysis and results previously performed;
• Summary of collection system inspections performed and the results of the TV inspections, manhole inspections, smoke testing, dyed water flooding, and force main inspection/evaluation performed by the County and others;
• Summarization of capacity assessment results previously performed including hydraulic model development; model calibration; baseline capacity analysis and assessment; future condition capacity analysis and assessment; and long-term capacity/peak flow management evaluation; and
• Development of a Corrective Action Recommendations Plan
It is anticipated that the final SRRR Plans will be complete within a year after all collection system inspections have concluded.