RJN Group Acquires Chicago Office of IE Consultants
In December 2005, RJN Group Inc. acquired the Chicago office of IEConsultants as part of a strategic initiative to expand operations in theChicago area.
RJN has been providing engineering services in the Chicago region for morethan 31 years. In addition to the surveying services that the Chicago office hasoffered in the past, RJN offers a wide range of study, design and constructionphase services for land development, roadway improvements, bridge improvements,water distribution systems, stormwater drainage systems and sanitary sewersystems. RJN also provides geographical information system services andinformation technology services.
RJN Group Inc. is headquartered in Wheaton, Ill., with offices in Chicago andCollinsville, Ill.; St. Louis; Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and SanAntonio, Texas; Fayetteville, Ark.; Tulsa, Okla.; Vienna, Va.; Boston;Baltimore; Deerfield Beach and Miami, Fla.; and Atlanta.