Pure Technologies Awarded U.S. Metallic Pipe Engineering Contract
Pure Technologies Ltd. (Pure) (TSX:PUR) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pure Technologies U.S.Inc. (Pure U.S.), has been awarded a significant engineering contract by the HowardCounty (Maryland) Bureau of Public Works.
For more than 10 years, Pure hasbeen working with this customer on projects related to the inspection andmanagement of large-diameter concrete water pipes. The new work involvescondition assessment, renewal and management strategies for small-diameter,metallic water pipelines (principally ductile iron between 6 and 16 in. indiameter) within the project area. The new work, using an array of assessmenttechnologies and engineering services, is expected to commence in late 2013 andinclude revenues of up to USD$1.7 million over a period of approximately 18 to24 months.
“This announcement is significantfor Pure in a number of ways,” said Pure U.S. president Mark Holley. “Itconfirms the strong growth potential for the Company using asset managementstrategies for small-diameter metallic pipelines through our Assess and Addressstrategy. This approach involves identifying localized deterioration andselectively repairing pipe sections only when necessary through our technologyand engineering solutions. Additionally, this new work strongly supports themarket trend by proactive utilities such as Howard County that opt for a cost-effectiveapproach to pipeline management and rehabilitation. Finally, this awardstrengthens our reputation as a trusted partner to help manage other pipe typesthat make up the majority of a water distribution system.”