PUG Seminar Held in February
The 14th annual “Sharing Technologies” Seminar organized by the NorthernCalifornia Pipe Users Group (PUG) was held Feb. 23, at Hs Lordship’s Restaurantin Berkeley, Calif.
The seminar started with opening remarks by the PUG chairman Jonathan K. Leeof West Valley Sanitation District, followed by a keynote speech from JohnHemphill, executive director of the North American Society for TrenchlessTechnology (NASTT), on the topic of “Synergies and Opportunities.”
The one-day seminar was moderated by Cindy Preuss of Harris & Associatesand Sasha Mestetsky of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Seminar topicsincluded designing a recycled water distribution system; lessons learned from alarge diameter force main rehabilitation project; developing a five-yearinspection program for a wastewater reclamation district; lessons learned from a36-in. pipe-bursting project in soft San Francisco Bay mud; and dewateringchallenges during construction of an interceptor sewer along the SacramentoRiver, to mention several.
The seminar was attended by more than 175 participants from the NorthernCalifornia area. Tabletop displays from eight vendors were frequented by theattendees. Throughout the day, members of PUG’s Executive Committee wereapproached by seminar attendees communicating approval and enthusiasm for whatwas presented.
With the input, support and acumen of PUG’s member base, seminar and monthlymeeting attendees and presenters, and affiliated vendors, suppliers, contractorsand manufacturers, PUG members expect the organization to not only to grow andfurther broaden its experience base in the years to come, but for the milestone15th annual “Sharing Technologies” Seminar, slated for Feb. 22, 2007, to be evenbetter.
(This news item was written by Cindy Preuss, member of the PUG ExecutiveCommittee and project manager with Harris & Associates)