Trenchless Technology project of the year

Publisher’s Message – Congratulations to the 2022 Trenchless Technology Project of the Year Winners!

Kelly VanNatten

It’s time to recognize the records broken, milestones achieved, innovative thinking and technological advancements made on trenchless projects across North America! The latest issue of Trenchless Technology features our installation and rehabilitation Project of the Year winners selected from reader-submitted nominations.

RELATED: Nominate Your Project for the 2023 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year Awards.

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Winning projects are chosen on the basis of technical advancement, technical complexity, milestones and records achieved, interaction and cooperation and advancement of the trenchless industry. We have a committee of experts to review new installation project submissions and one to do the same for rehabilitation submissions.

Municipal Roundtable Webcast Series

Not only does this issue recognize the Project of the Year award winners, but it also helps advance the industry by showing just how far trenchless can go. With that in mind, Trenchless Technology has also established a quarterly Municipal Roundtable Webcast series that brings together a panel of system owners to discuss the successes, challenges and benefits they have discovered with regards to using trenchless technologies. These are live sessions moderated by Trenchless Technology’s editors Sharon Bueno and Mike Kezdi that are also recorded for on-demand viewing.

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I’d like to give special thanks to the following panelists who have given their time this year to help everyone in the industry understand the municipal perspective regarding trenchless technology:

World Trenchless Day panel

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  • Shu He, P.Eng., PMP, Manager of Engineering for Public Works, York Region, Ontario
  • Trino Pedraza, Director of Public Works and Utilities, City of Galveston, Texas
  • Webb Winston, P.E., Principal Engineer, Williams*

New Installation panel

  • Florence Ho, P.Eng., Metro Vancouver
  • Omar Castellon, P.E., PMP, ENV SP, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • Steve Heroux, Dominion Energy

Rehabilitation panel

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  • John J. Struzziery, P.E., Director of Wastewater Operations/Assistant Director of Public Works, Hull, Massachusetts
  • Fred Wu, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Engineering Department
  • Caroline Barlow, P.E., Interim CMOM/Rehab Program Manager, Seattle Public Utilities

To view the Municipal Roundtable Webcast Series and other webinar sessions, visit:

If you work for a municipality or utility and would like to be considered as a panelist for an upcoming Municipal Roundtable webcast, please reach out to either editor Sharon Bueno at or managing editor Mike Kezdi at

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As always, we are here to serve you, our readers. If you have any topic suggestions or comments, please send them to me at

Until next month!

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Kelly VanNatten

Publisher, Trenchless Technology

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