
PROduct Spotlight – Picote Mini Cleaner+C, Mini Miller+C

In 2019, Picote Solutions launched its latest high-speed pipeline cleaning system on to the drainage market, the Mini Cleaner.

Aimed at the domestic drainage and plumbing markets, the Picote Mini Cleaner is the company’s first machine specifically designed for cleaning and cutting operations through P-traps and multiple bends in the 1¼- to 3-in. range. With typical waste pipes being as small as 1¼ in. diameter in many countries, this machine offers the ideal solution for pipeline cleaning.

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The company’s Mini Miller system is a well-established workhorse in the pipeline cleaning, cutting and liner reopening market and works in pipelines from 2 to 6 in. in diameter.

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Both units can also be used for application of the Picote Brush Coating System for pipeline rehabilitation.

Feedback from contractors globally and in Finland, where Picote Oy offers major contracting services, showed a demand for both systems to have the capability to observe the operations in action without the need to use a separate CCTV system, possibly requiring a second access point for camera usage.

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This led to the development of an integrated CCTV capability for both machines which will eliminate the need for a secondary CCTV system to be used during cleaning, cutting or brush coating operations. Picote has recently launched upgraded versions of the two machines known as the Picote Mini Miller+C and the Picote Mini Cleaner+C.

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“Working together with contractor clients and in-house contractors in Finland has long meant that innovations for our systems come from those working at the sharp end of the industry. Their feedback is invaluable as it enables us to not only make the best machine available but also to meet the needs of our end-users in the most efficient and effective way,” said Richard Swan, director of technical client services at Picote Solutions. “The fact that we have a contracting company in Finland and operations in the UK and USA also means that we have extensive international test facilities and expert knowledge to ensure that the changes and innovations we make to the product lines are tested thoroughly before they hit the global market.”

The camera systems comprise a full-color camera mounted on 98 ft of umbilical which will enable all operations to be observed fully. On both Millers the color self-leveling camera also carries an integrated 512 hz sonde to enable the unit to be tracked and the pipeline mapped as and when necessary.

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The Picote Mini Cleaner+C uses a slightly smaller color camera to enable negotiation of the smaller diameter pipes in which the system generally operates, including DN50 P-traps and bends.


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SOURCE – Picote Solutions

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