Plastic Pipes XVII: Call for Papers Now Open
Anofficial call for papers has been announced for Plastic Pipes XVII. This InternationalPlastic Pipes Conference and exhibition will be hosted Sept. 22-24, 2014. Organizersof this global event have requested authors to submit paper abstracts inEnglish before Nov. 15, 2013, with final deadline for completed work to beposted by May 16, 2014.
Whereaskey subject areas will be market issues, pipeline solutions, application areas,material testing and performance, special consideration will be given torelevant contributions outside of these criteria. At least 100 individualpresentations are scheduled for this event that continues to provide a major technicaland commercial window and platform for the industry.
StephenBoros, vice president Engineering Pipeline Plastics LLC and chairman of the PPXVIIconference, explains that Chicago will be one of the most important events forour industry to share new developments in the field of plastic pipe technologyand use. “Low cost, ease of installation, sustainability and long-termperformance advantages of plastic pipes continue to propel the industry towardgreater global demand in all application sectors. Worldwide expectations for asix percent annual growth in their use over the next few years are now viewedas conservative given the overwhelming trend for replacement of antiquatedcompeting pipe materials. Increasing demand in energy sectors such as oil andgas gathering and gas distribution, as well as replacement of older failingwater and sewer systems is driving much of this growth. This demand is alsopromoting further development of plastic-based composite piping systems forvery high pressures, and new materials such as high performance polyethylenecompounds and manufacturing techniques such as bi-oriented PVC technology.”
Conferenceaudiences are typically drawn from a wide spectrum of industry stakeholders thatinclude pipe and fitting manufacturers, gas, water and sewer utility providers,raw material and additive suppliers, pipeline design engineers, pipelineinstallers, technical institutes and industry associations from all over theworld.
“Ourpast conferences in Vancouver, BC in 2010, and Barcelona in 2012, as well as recentregional events in China and Russia have indicated a strong need to communicatethe fast evolving nature of the plastic pipe industry. Our conferences aretypically structured to promote networking for plastic pipe connections andhuman connections. Bridging the gap between market suppliers and service usersis a fundamental goal that has proved very successful in the communicationprocess.”
PlasticsPipes XVII is organized in collaboration with The Plastics Pipe Institute,TEPPFA, PE100+ Association and PVC4Pipes. Sponsors forPlastic Pipes XVII in Chicago include Rollepaal and Battenfeld-Cincinnati asthe main corporate diamond sponsor, Dow Chemical and Baerlocher group at goldlevel, Chevron Phillips, Lyondell/Basell, and MOL at the silver level, as wellas Floridienne Chimie and others. Exhibition space is limited and filling upquickly, so visit the conference website for additional information –
Paper topics, how to submit an abstract,conference registration and all further information available from: Eva Balassaat or by visiting