Pemex Awards United Pipeline de Mexico $12.4 Million Pipeline Project

Insituform Technologies Inc. recently announced that Insituform’s Mexican joint venture, United Pipeline de Mexico de C.V. (UPM), has been awarded a $12.4 million contract by the Mexican national oil and gas company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

The contract includes the construction, replacement and rehabilitation of approximately 40 km of pipelines in Mexico’s Chicontepec oil region. Insituform’s subsidiaries, Corrpro Companies Inc. and The Bayou Co. Inc., will provide cathodic protection and field joint coating services for the project.

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“This contract validates our decision to expand Insituform’s oil and gas platform with our 2009 acquisitions of The Bayou and Corrpro companies. The joint marketing and cross-selling of our expanded product and service offerings provide additional value to our clients and positions the company for new project opportunities,” said Insituform president and CEO J. Joseph Burgess.

Work on this project is expected to begin in November and to take approximately 16 months to complete. UPM will oversee new construction, including corrosion protection services and the rehabilitation of more than 24 km of pipeline using Insituform’s Tite Liner polyethylene lining system. The new and rehabilitated pipelines will be used to transfer oil from well-heads to production facilities in the Chicontepec Basin.

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