Primus Line Nova Scotia

Nova Scotian Contractor Opts for Primus Line Solution

Primus Line Nova Scotia

Handling the Primus Line installation was J.R. Eisener Contracting Ltd., of Fall River, Nova Scotia.

The Town of Lockeport, Nova Scotia, is a traditional Nova Scotian fishing town, home to seafood processing facilities and about 588 residents and sits on a peninsula in Allendale Bay. Providing water to the town and its processing facilities is a 14-km stretch of DN 350-mm ductile iron pipe, which had started to fail.

The potable water pipeline — falling under the jurisdiction of the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (NSTIR) — crosses under a river and must navigate a series of horizontal and vertical bends from the plant to the town.

For the repair, NSTIR hired Eastpoint Engineering Ltd., of Halifax, to determine the best approach for the Hayden Lake East River problem. The team at Eastpoint designed two options: Either install a new water main of high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) or install the Primus Line rehabilitation system.

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This project was put out to tender provincially and Harlow Construction, of Shelburne County, was the successful low bidder and opted to go with the Primus Line rehabilitation system because it was able to go through the bends under the river with ease. Due to the flexible construction of the Primus Line system, bends of 45-degrees can be negotiated.

Project Description

The rehabilitation of 290 m of pipeline took place in November 2015 and took four days. The DN 350-mm host pipe was turned off and secluded from the pipe network with a temporary bypass system that was installed prior to the tendering process.

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Harlow Construction prepared the construction site and a CCTV inspection revealed some existing incrustations and deposits on the inside of the pipeline, as well as identifying the leak in the pipe under the river. The necessary cleaning was performed by high-pressure water jetting and pigging. After a subsequent CCTV inspection the cleaned pipe was ready for the insertion of the liner.

The Primus Liner DN 300 mm was sent pre-folded to the construction site on two transport reels and installed with a pulling winch, capable of pulling 5 tons. Handling the installation was J.R. Eisener Contracting Ltd., of Fall River, Nova Scotia.

Due to the pre-folding procedure and consequential reduction of the pulling forces, the DN 300 Primus Liner was installed with maximum pulling forces of 6.67 kN. The liner was turned into a round shape by applying compressed air. After assembling four Primus Line connectors, the rehabilitated sections were leak tested.

With the re-integration of the renewed sections into the existing pipeline network, the rehabilitation works of the service water pipeline were completed successfully. The life span of the renovated section was extended by at least 50 years.

Primus Line submitted this report.
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