NAMA Working with ASCE to Update Microtunneling Guideline

The North American Microtunneling Association (NAMA) is working with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) committee to update the ASCE 36-01 Standard Design and Construction Guideline for Microtunneling from 2001 (Guideline). The committee plans to publish the revised Guideline in 2014.

NAMA representatives have attended the last two in-person committee meetings: the Rapid Excavation Tunneling Conference (RETC) on June 25 and the NASTT’s No-Dig Program Comittee meeting on July 19. At the July meeting, NAMA members presented 17 issues they believe are critical to the future of the microtunneling industry, including the lack of a standard for RCP jacking pipe, unrealistic alignment and grade tolerances, lack of experience of design engineers, and the use of bentonite in slurry, among others. NAMA members also presented extensive suggested changes to the current draft of the Guideline. 

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NAMA is pleased with the collaborative environment provided by the Guidelines committee at each of these meetings. And while there is still work that needs to be done on the Guidelines, NAMA is hopeful that a resolution of the issues between engineer and contractor can be accomplished.

Founded in 2012, NAMA represents major microtunneling contractors active in North America.

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