MSU, UTA Team Up for Asset Management
September 24, 2008
The Institute of Public Utilities and Institute for Public Policy andSocial Research at Michigan State University and the Center forUnderground Infrastructure Research and Education (CUIRE) at theUniversity of Texas-Arlington will present “Water Asset Management:Sustaining Underground Infrastructure.”
The workshop for water and wastewater professionals will be heldFriday, Oct. 10 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Kellogg Center on theMichigan State University campus in Lansing.
Workshop topics include:
- The Role of Asset Management in Infrastructure Sustainability
- Principles and Tools of Asset Management (CMOM and GASB-34)
- Infrastructure Inventory and Pipeline Inspection Methods
- Innovative Technologies for Underground Infrastructure Construction and Renewal
- Information Technologies of Infrastructure Management (E-government)
- Pricing and Funding Options for Underground Infrastructure Renewal and Construction
- Case Studies, Innovative Approaches, and Lessons Learned
Speakers include Steve Allbee, U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, “Asset Management for Water Utilities;” Prof. Mohammad Najafi,Civil & Environmental Engineering, UT-Arlington, “CurrentResearch;” Prof. Jon Bartholic, Director, Institute of Water Resources,MSU, “Water Resource Issues;” Dr. Janice Beecher, Director, Instituteof Public Utilities, MSU, “Water Infrastructure Sustainability;”Michael Odette, Michigan Department of Transportation, “CoordinatingInfrastructure Improvement;” Ann Casey, Consultant, Black and Veatch,“Performance Management: A Case Study;” Robert Schneider, MichiganDepartment of Environmental Quality, “The Role of Water Pricing;”Kenneth C. Molli, Senior Consultant, McDonough Associates Inc.,“Advanced Metering;” Jeff Henson, American Water Company, “PrivateCompany Perspective.” AnnMarie Schneider, Institute for Public Policyand Social Research, MSU, will serve as moderator.
Please register for the program by October 1, 2008, at or call 517-355-1876. The registration fee is $75 and includes program materials, lunch and breaks.
This program qualifies for continuing education credits (6.5 PDHs).Re-certification hours may also be available for water and wastewateroperators.