ISTT Presents Its Annual No-Dig Awards in Sydney

At the recent International No-DigShow in Sydney, Australia — Sept. 1-4 at the Sydney Convention and ExhibitionCentre — awards were presented to the top projects and products. Below are thewinners:


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Category:Rehabilitation Project – Company: Interflow Pty Ltd for Sydney Water – Country:Australia

Rehabilitation ofLidcombe, Auburn and Granville (LAG) Sewer Mains

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Complex and demanding project to structurally renew a deep(13 to22 m), Large diameter (900-mm) sewer. Sydney Water required that the linermust:

  1. Be structural,
  2. Have equal or better flow capacity
  3. Deal with a significant bend,
  4. Handle high water table, pipe flows, and
  5. Long distances between access©\points(200 metres).

Interflow’s solution:

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  1. Employ a bigger, stronger Sekisui Expanda Pipewith double the stiffness of previously available Expanda Pipe. 
  2. Use a more powerful Winding Machine and
  3. A large robotic cutter to secure the liner tothe host pipe to expand the liner. 
  4. Install a Rotaloc spiral wound liner to line theportion of the pipe with a significant bend.
  5. Grout the liner with a new quick-settinggrout.

The project was a success as a result of co©\operationbetween the Contractor and a Water Authority. It also stimulated productinnovations that extended the boundaries for trenchless technology.

Accepting the award is Geoff Weavern.

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Category: NewInstallation Company: FujianDongchen Geotechnical Foundation Engineering Co. – Country: China

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Large Diameter &3D Curved Pipe Jacking Technology

Compound horizontal curves and acured vertical alignment of the pipe in varied, complex soil conditions madeinstallation of 3,200mm precast reinforced concrete (PRC) pipe using pipejacking a challenge.

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The project used an innovative 3Dcurved pipe jacking technology to avoid an existing sewerage pipeline in thearea and to deal with elevation differences. The 3D curved pipe jackingtechnology developed by the contractor and Tongji University was key to thesuccess of this project. The 3D system provided real-time data that allowed theoperator to make deviation corrections during the pipe jacking increasingconstruction precision and efficiency.

Accepting the Award: 

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Yong Chen, Fujian Dongchen Geotechnical FoundationEngineering Co.


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Category: NewProduct- Company: Alpha Civil Engineering – Country: Japan

Rectangular PipeJacking Machine 

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The Box Culvert Pipe JackingMachine (BCPJM) enables construction of box culvert pipeline quickly and tohigh accuracy. This method is safer than cutting edge jacking method, moreeconomic than shield tunneling method, and faster, less disruptive and moreenvironmentally friendly than conventional open©\cut construction. This machine isbased on BCPJ design methods developed in 2007.

Machine features are:

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  • Rotation/revolution multi©\axle cutter(shield), which is more efficient than a conventional cutter due to lower loadper cutter.
  • Screw conveyor and slurry value that providescutting face stability.
  • Two-section shield connected bydirection©\adjusting jacks that provides directional correctioncontrol.
  • Multiple rotating axels and Rotary movable hoodthat controls rolling and pitch of shield.

Accepting the Award: For Alpha Civil Engineering is FumihikoMatsumoto


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Category: AcademicResearch – Company: National Quemoy University – Country: Taiwan

Systematic Image Quality Assessment for Sewer Inspection

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Good image quality is theprerequisite for accurate interpretation and diagnosis of CCTV. However, on©\siteCCTV technicians usually do not pay great attention to the CCTV image qualityof sewer inspection or even have an idea about how to assess the CCTV imagequality. This research developed a CCTV image quality index that takes intoaccount both luminance and contrast distortions of a CCTV image compared withreference images. Analysis of image quality shows that contrast has the largerimpact on the CCTV inspection image quality than luminance. The image qualityindex was successfully applied to CCTV images from sewer inspection of houseconnections. In the future, a real©\time CCTV imaging adjustmentsystem based on the image quality index could prove a practical application foron©\sitesewer inspection.

Accepting the award: On behalf of National Quemoy Universityis Albert Shou

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