
Introducing the Kondex Drill DefenderTM cobble bits and housings

The KO Punch for Cobble and More

Whether you’re dealing with cobble, stone, sand, sandstone, or a mix of soil, Kondex Drill DefenderTM cobble bits and housings are your solution to get in, get out, and get onto the next job! Our HDD components feature our patented laser cladding wear protection that stands up to your toughest conditions and outlasts competitors. Stop messing around with hard facing and get real with Kondex Drill Defender bits and housings! Kondex cobble bits start at $1,420 with carbides or $1,000 without carbides. Our sonde housings are priced at $2,550 to $2,850.

Kondex customers rave about our cobble bits and housings. “We run these bits exclusively because they work in all ground conditions,” said Josh Shell of Badgerland Connections. “These bits have honestly outlasted anything that we’ve ever put in the ground five times. So, when we’re on a job and need our tooling to work for us, this never fails us!”
Knock-Out your next HDD job with Kondex components (after all, KO is in our name!). Shop online at www.kondexparts.com.

Kevin Miller

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