Hudson, Ohio, Tackles Sewers with CIPP

As spring nears, the City of Hudson, Ohio, is planning summer construction projects, including one to line 2,500 feet of sanitary sewers to prevent infiltration of storm water, which increases the costs to treat sewage, according to the Hudson Hub-Times.

Council members Feb. 18 approved a $120,000 project to line 2,300 feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer and 200 feet of 15-inch sanitary sewer with a cured-in-place liner in 2009.

The sanitary sewers included in the project are located on West Case, Plymouth, Milford and the public easement at Turners Mill, according to the city’s proposal.

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The existing sanitary sewers are made of vitrified clay pipe and in poor condition, with breaks and root intrusion that could cause blockages in the line, officials said. The liner will strengthen the pipe and prevent infiltration.

City Manager Anthony Bales said the liners are inserted through manholes and are less intrusive than replacing old pipes with new pipes, which require digging up the road.

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An alternate bid includes 90 linear feet of clay sewer pipe at state Route 91 and Edgeview Drive that could be completed if the bid was low enough.

The project is scheduled to begin in March and completed in May.

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The city lined 4,570 feet of sanitary sewer in 2008 for $210,726.

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