HDD Used in Gas Pipeline Project in Corwin, Ohio
Sometime in May, the Rockies Express Pipeline will complete its transit beneath the designated scenic river on its 1,679-mile trip from Rio Blanco, Colo., to Monroe County, Ohio, on the Ohio River.
The $6 billion natural gas pipeline will ultimately carry between 1.5 billion and 2 billion cubic feet of gas per day.
Butler and Warren counties will benefit annually through property taxes because of the pipeline, about $4 million for each county, company spokesman Allen Fore said Wednesday, April 1.
Construction of the pipeline has reached Lebanon, and gas should be flowing to that hub by June 15, Fore said.
It will be the interstate highway of natural gas pipelines when it is completed in November, said Matt Dexter, a field engineer for Kinder Morgan, the pipeline’s majority owner.
Dexter held a tour of the drilling site Wednesday.
Surrounded by a “sound curtain” that keeps drilling noise out of the ears of nearby residents, a 30,000-pound carbide drillbit cranks along 24 hours a day, seven days a week under a large white tent that has been set up in a farm field.