Chris Macey CATT Award

CATT Honours Award of Excellence Recipients

Chris Macey CATT Award

Chris Macey, P. Eng., is the recipient of CATT’s 2016 Award of Excellence for Individual Contribution to the industry. (Zofia Agata Photography)


The Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT) recently held its 2017 annual general meeting, attended by more than 90 members and guests. The agenda of meeting included the report on 2016/17 CATT activities, introduction of 2017/18 board of directors, as well as the announcement of the recipients for the 2016 CATT Awards of Excellence.

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The 2016 Award of Excellence for Individual Contribution was given to Chris Macey for his expertise and contributions to the trenchless renovation/rehabilitation and asset management fields. Macey is North American Technical Practice Leader for Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Pipelines at AECOM. With more than 35 years of experience, Macey has considerable expertise in material failure assessment for both gravity and pressure pipelines.

He has extensive knowledge of pipeline materials, pipe/soil interaction, pipeline deterioration processes, material limit states, and state of the art condition assessment and rehabilitation technologies. Macey graduated from University of Manitoba in 1977 and has been working as consultant since 1978. Macey is also a member of following AWWA Committees: Structural Classes of Pipeline Repair Subcommittee; M77 Manual – Condition Assessment of Water Mains; and M28 Manual of Watermain Rehabilitation.

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CATT 2016 Project of the YEar

Brenda Kingsmill, project manager, Halton Region and Denis Viens, Dillon Consulting accept CATT’s 2016 Project of the Year Award of Excellence for the Boyne Trunk Sanitary  Sewer project. (Zofia Agata Photography)

The recipients of the 2016 Project of the Year Award of Excellence was given to the Boyne Trunk Sanitary Sewer project in the Region of Halton. Dillon Consulting completed a Class EA, detailed design and construction for a large diameter (1500mm to 2400 mm) gravity sewer from Milton to the Mid-Halton Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakville. The overall cost of the sewer project is in the order of $90 million, with a substantial completion date in 2016.

The alignment passed beneath a number of environmentally significant areas, including the Glenorchy Conservation Area, and beneath Highway 407 ETR and with the significant depth of portions of the sewer (>30 m), trenchless construction methods were selected and designed to install this trunk sanitary sewer with a major portion of the project in a tunnel using an advanced using a tunnel boring machine (TBM). T

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he design techniques used reduced the potential for infiltration and exfiltration and a microbial inhibitor was also specified within the concrete of the pipe and maintenance holes to reduce the potential for hydrogen sulphide corrosion and a detailed Environmental Management Plan was also completed for the project to protect the environment during construction.

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