ASCE Seeks Members for New Underground Utility Mapping Standards Committee
The American Society of Civil engineers (ASCE) is seeking members for a new committee to establish a non-mandatory standard that will specify the mapping requirements for the recording and depiction of newly installed or exposed underground utility infrastructure and related appurtenances at or below grade.
Users of the standard would include, but not be limited to, engineers, owners of private industry and land developments, land surveyors, contractors, owners of utility infrastructure, and public land managers (e.g., federal, state, county and city governments).
The scope of this non-mandatory standard will address the spatial, attribute and corresponding metadata required to ensure underground utilities are readily identifiable and locatable. Application of the proposed standard will ensure accurate information about the location and nature of the underground utility infrastructure is captured and available for future projects. Both CSA-250 and CI/ASCE 38-02 will serve as pre-standards for the development of the ASCE standard proposed herein, as both contain portions of the ultimate end product.
Interested parties may submit an application to join this new committee via For more information, please contact James Neckel, Codes and Standards Coordinator, at