Akkerman Inc. Extends Reach Overseas
Akkerman Inc. is positioned for sales in new markets with recently established representation in the Middle East, India, Russia and Singapore. Agreements with Trenchers Land Digging & Filling LLC, based in the United Arab Emirates, Asia Contech Ltd. of India, Intertorg Russia and ICE Far East in Singapore presents exciting prospects for Akkerman Inc. worldwide.
Trenchers Land Digging & Filling LLC of Dubai recently facilitated the sale of a complete Guided Boring Machine (GBM) system for a Kuwait contractor. This sale denotes the first GBM system sold in the Middle East, as well as the most powerful pilot tube microtunneling configuration available. The 4812A jacking frame with 200 tons of thrust, 275T power pack, powered cutter head and jetting and lubrication pump will install DN 300-1,000 mm pipes for drives up to 150 m long.
Asia Contech Ltd. of New Delhi, providing sales and service of Akkerman equipment in India, also represents trenchless companies American Augers, ASTEC and Trencor. ICE Far East of Singapore, a Southeast Asia office for International Construction Equipment (ICE) will represent Akkerman in this region. Intertorg of Moscow, a U.S.-based company with expertise in the Russian trenchless market, has been a longtime dealer for Ditch Witch and previously represented Lovat, Soltau and MTS equipment.
Akkerman welcomes these organizations into its community of sales representatives. Tunnel
Engineering Services in the United Kingdom, Ditch Witch of Australia, Virtual Engineering of Columbia and the Alinea Group of Mexico have been agents of Akkerman for many years. Additional representatives have been appointed in Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Brazil, Italy and Pakistan.