2017 Water Finance Conference Heads to Milwaukee
January 23, 2017
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In each of the past two years, the Water Finance Conference has gathered nearly 100 attendees for a discussion around the most critical issue facing the future of water infrastructure in the United States — funding. The two-day event presents an in-depth look at funding challenges facing the water/wastewater utility sector, examining unique approaches to public utility finance, private financing, P3s, rate structuring, low income/fixed income affordability challenges, regional water finance challenges, new water financing tools, legislative and regulatory issues affecting the water sector, and more.
The Water Finance Conference is aimed at reaching executive-level utility professionals, including directors, superintendents, CEOs and CFOs with consultants, financial advisors, lawyers and service providers involved in financing municipal water, wastewater and stormwater systems.
The event is hosted by our sister publication, Water Finance & Management, a bi-monthly professional journal for executive-level decision makers in the municipal water and wastewater sector.
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“In its first two years, the Water Finance Conference has been a huge success,” said Bernie Krzys, publisher of Water Finance & Management. “I’d like to thank each of our sponsors for all their support of this unique event. Everyone involved in the water sector understands the vast set of challenges affecting funding for needed projects. We are looking forward to working with our sponsors and supporters to once again bring attendees a great forum for candid discussion about money in the water sector.”
In 2016, the Water Finance Conference was presented by main event sponsor, Hawksley Consulting, as well as sponsors Echologics, RePipe 4710, Key Equipment Finance, the Colorado Contractors Association, Sprayroq, PVC Pipe Association, Pure Technologies, WaterSmart Software and Cityworks.
In addition to its sponsors, organizers of the conference have been proud to have the support of several prominent advocacy organizations representing the water and wastewater sectors the past two years: The National Association of Water Companies; the National Association of Clean Water Agencies; the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies; the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association; the Special District Association of Colorado; the International Private Water Association; the National Association of Sewer Service Companies; the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships; the South Metro Water Supply Authority; the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Coalition; the Cleveland Water Alliance; the Water Finance Research Association; the National Utility Contractors Association; the US Water Alliance; and the Colorado Contractors Association.
Additional information will be made available on the conference website in the coming weeks.