CTZoom Technologies Obtains MACP Certification

CTZoom Technologies Inc. has become the first Canadian vendor to provide manhole system assessment software that complies with the requirements of the Manhole Assessment Certification Program (MACP), administered by NASSCO.

CTSpec Manhole, which is integrated into CTZoom’s PACP-certified CTSpec Sewer program, gives municipal authorities access to a powerful tool for obtaining consistent sewer system assessment data, in compliance with the most widely used and respected set of standards in North America.

Canadian municipalities that deal with inspection firms using MACP-certified tools can keep a close eye on their sewer manholes in a time- and cost-effective manner. Equipped with the same analysis criteria, codes and classifications for asset breakdowns and defects as those used in MACP-certified systems throughout North America, CTSpec Manhole can enable municipalities across the continent to easily benchmark the performance of their systems and make enlightened decisions about the management of their rehabilitation and preventive maintenance operations.

This marks the second software certification to be awarded to CTZoom. In September 2008, it became the first software vendor in Canada to be PACP-certified.

Established in 1997, CTZoom Technologies has developed its own imaging solutions and equipment to create one of Canada’s first zoom camera sewer inspection systems.

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