CJ Kelly Peterborough

A Year of Celebrations Ahead for C.J. Kelly Associates

CJ Kelly Peterborough

C.J. Kelly Associates’ new facilities near Peterborough showing the main warehouse. Inset: The new product showroom.


C.J. Kelly Associates is gearing up for an exciting 2018 as the United Kingdom-based company is celebrating three milestone anniversaries.

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In March C.J. Kelly marked its first year as the official UK distributor and service center for the UK for Picote equipment. As the hub of Picote’s UK operations, C.J. Kelly forms the center of a growing network of resellers and hire operations that has been established across the country, including an agreement with Stopper Specialists, a Vp plc company, that will mark its first anniversary in June. The agreement utilizes Stopper Specialists’ country-wide network of hire depots for the provision of Picote equipment on a hire basis.

Picote’s equipment is also having a significant impact on the UK market. Recently a Picote Maxi Miller Power Plus was used to remove a  damaged liner that was more than 20 m (67 ft) in length in just a couple of hours, something that was not considered possible not too long ago.

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CJ Kelly Picote

The new arrangement between Picote, C.J. Kelly Associates and Vp plc’s Stopper Specialists was finalized at the Drain-Ex event in Harrogate in June 2017.

C.J. Kelly will also celebrate its first anniversary in its new facilities. The new building comprises some 1,800 sq ft of space and includes new offices, an equipment showroom, as well as a conference/meeting and training facility and also expanded storage facilities covering all of the products offered by C.J. Kelly – all set in idyllic rural surroundings near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK.

The company’s expansion into the new facility enhances it capability to offer a broader range of equipment whilst keeping larger stocks for quicker response to customer inquiries across its entire range, as well as the capacity to train new operators and update existing users to the latest innovations offered across the range.

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CJ Kelly Brawoliner

The latest development in the 20 year association with Brawoliner is the Lum Cure system, for UV curing of Brawoliner, which will be officially launched at the forthcoming IFAT exhibition in May.

The biggest of the celebrations will however be marked with the 20th anniversary of C.J. Kelly’s first association with Germany-based KOB, the manufacturer of the Brawoliner system, for which the company is world-renowned.

Initially in association with MC Construction Chemicals and then as an independent exclusive dealership, alongside the most popular Brawoliner, C.J. Kelly introduced to the UK over the years, Brawoliner HT for higher temperature environments, Brawoliner 3D which adjusts to changes in host pipe diameters without the need for a separate liner, Brawoliner with diameters as small as 50 mm, the steam cure system for Brawoliner and the Docubox monitoring system for pipe lining.

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One of the main events marking the 20th anniversary of the C.J. Kelly/Brawoliner association will be the launch at this year’s IFAT event of the new Lum Cure UV curing system for Brawoliner. The new system will allow the installation of liners using UV sensitive resins not just in the more usual lateral and main line applications but the system is also designed to be compact enough to operate within buildings thereby enabling renovation of difficult to access in-building drainage pipes in as little as 90 minutes as compared with many competitive systems which offer a significantly longer process and which cannot negotiate changes in diameter and 90 degree bends in 100 to 150mm diameter pipes.

Expanding Range

CJ Kelly Top Hat

The new Top Hat Kit available both for sale through C.J. Kelly and on hire from Vp plc’s Stopper Specialist division.

From its own stable C.J. Kelly now also offers a Top Hat installation kit. The kit is designed to be easy to use for the operator with minimal training requirements even for those unfamiliar with the installation of lateral connections.

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It is available in three forms including a kit for 4 in. (100 mm) diameter pipes, one for 6 in. (150 mm) diameter pipes or a combined 4 in. and 6 in. diameter kit in one set. The new Top Hat Kit is exclusively available only from C.J. Kelly Associates and approved partners.

As well as the UK and Ireland distributor for internationally renowned names such as Brawoliner and Picote, the company also offers systems from MC Construction Chemicals, OSSCAD, Spray-Liner and Härke as well as the Patch Box system. The company also offers independent consultancy in relation to a wide range of pipe rehabilitation options and design.

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“It has long been the aim of the company to offer the UK and Ireland pipeline renovation market a broader, quicker and more effective service both in terms of equipment availability and consultancy options,” said John Kelly, senior partner with C.J. Kelly Associates. “Our associations and partnerships with the wide range of companies we have built over the years is now showing huge advantages for the UK renovation market from cleaning to full rehabilitation both in the more usual pipeline situations and manhole repair to the fast growing in-building works that facilities and management companies are now demanding when works are required within their properties.  We see a very strong future for all our technology offerings, especially the newer ones that facilitate speedy and low customer impact options. The future is bright also across our more traditional ranges right across the UK market.”

SOURCE – C.J. Kelly Associates

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