World of Concrete 2005 Returns to Las Vegas

World of Concrete returned to LasVegas Jan. 17-21, attracting more than 73,000 construction professionals from111-plus countries who came to source thousands of new products, ideas andtechnologies from 1,597 exhibiting companies. This years show set severalmilestones, including the second largest number of buyers and exhibits in thehistory of World of Concrete.

Feedback from the show floor was extremelypositive from both new and veteran exhibitors. Soff-Cut International, along-time exhibitor, introduced three new models at this years show. As manyyears as weve done this show, some contractors stop by and discover our productsfor the first time. Others who know us come looking for new products. And theyreall very qualified prospects. As of the second day, we had a bunch of orders.This is definitely a buying show, said Brenda Nalvarrette, marketing manager forthe Corona, Calif.-based company.

World of Concrete is not only the placefor the latest products, but the place to source new suppliers as well. Morethan 330 companies exhibited for the first time at the 2005 event and productofferings included everything from batch plants, concrete mixing equipment,scaffolding and grout pumps to trucks, loaders, cranes, sawing equipment andmore.

World of Concretes Seminar Program is lauded as one of the finestin the industry. More than 22,000 sessions were taken by attendees at this yearsshow. The World of Concrete program is one of the most in-depth in the industry,featuring more than 90 seminars in targeted tracks covering everything fromConcrete Basics to Decorative Concrete and Best Management Practices. World ofConcrete 2006 will return to Las Vegas Jan. 17-20, 2006, with seminars plannedfor the Jan. 16-20.

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