Welcome to the 2012 Trenchless Technology Drinking Water Main Survey!

As the No. 1 Source for Trenchless News, Trenchless Technology magazine wants to hear from you about the state of your water mains. We invite public works officials and engineers to participate in this short survey to give us some perspective of what municipalities across North America are doing related to installing and rehabbing their water mains. Results of this informal poll will be published in the August issue of Trenchless Technology as part of our focus on drinking water mains.

ADDED BONUS: By taking the few minutes to fill out our survey, you will be included in a drawing for a $50 VISA gift card.

Please take a few minutes and take part in this informative survey. Deadline to participate in the survey is June 30.

This Survey Is Now Closed Follow This Link to Read About the Survey Results
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