WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2013 Scores Increase in Attendance & Exhibitors
From April 23- 26, theinternational water industry gathered at WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL. The most notableaspect of this event was the marked rise in international exhibitor and tradevisitor numbers : 31,000 visitors representing business, politics and sciencetook part in this year’s event, an increase of 10 percent.
Occupying six display halls andwith a focus on water industry topics, WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL demonstratedits wide-ranging expertise to those present. Overall, 651 exhibitors, including194 from 35 different countries, showcased their latest technologies, productsand services on the subject of water supply and wastewater disposal.
Attendance by internationalexhibitors rose from 25 to 30 percent. International figures were alsoprominent at the opening event. Those attending included Dirk Niebel, theFederal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Abdul QawiKhalifa, the Egyptian Minister of Utilities, Drinking Water and Sewage, andMelanie Schultz van Haegen-Maas Geesteranus, the Dutch Minister ofInfrastructure and the Environment.
Prof. Jens Hölterhoff, Chairman ofthe Board for the German Society for Trenchless Technology e.V. commented: “Onceagain, the combination of a trade fair and congress was the right setting,enabling us to hold in-depth discussions with all our relevant audiences. Thatwas not just our opinion. We also received very positive reactions fromcongress delegates. Another aspect is the increasing level of internationalparticipation in WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL. Particularly for our membersexhibiting here it opens up a wide range of opportunities for tapping into newand interesting markets abroad. In that respect the reports we had were ofsuccessful and good meetings. I am sure this has strengthened the fair’sstanding as an event with a key focus on water industry issues.”
Dr. Christian Göke, COO BerlinGmbH: “Water represents a global market and requires a global approach. Waterindustry companies are doing more and more business on the international marketand WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL has taken these developments on board. That wasunderlined at this year’s event and we witnessed a substantial increase ininternational exhibitors and trade visitors. High-profile politicians from allparts of the world were here and 43 international delegations from importantgrowth markets such as Eastern Europe, Asia and the Arab world came to find outmore from the exhibitors at the event. The presence of our partner ACWUA, whichrepresents 17 Arab countries, gave the fair’s international appeal asignificant boost.”
The WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL2013 Congress and numerous specialist symposiums were very well received andthe international events at the congress were particularly well attended. They includedSchaustelle Wasser, which was organized primarily by Berliner Wasserbetriebeand also featured building sites belonging to NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin/Brandenburg,Vattenfall Europe and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG). 633 trade visitors fromaround the world were able to gain a unique first-hand insight into how wellthe latest technologies perform.
WASsERLEBEN, the interactive showfor the public, was attended by around 10,000 children, young people andadults. Exhibitors and trade visitors were greatly impressed by the activitiesorganized by schoolchildren for their peers and by the 35 institutions, whosefocus was on the sustainable exploitation of water resources.
According to a poll conducted by anindependent market research institute, exhibitors reported good businessresults. 82.6 percent ( in 2011, 77.4 percent) were satisfied with theirparticipation in WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL. 75 percent (2011, 70.6 percent)said they would be back at the next event. 92.5 percent of the trade visitorspolled rated their business results at the fair as “good.”
WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2015will take place March 24-27.