Vermeer Corp. Partners with Pioneer One to Offer HDD Air Hammers

Vermeer Corp. has signed an alliance agreement with Pioneer One Inc., based in Mooresville , Ind., a leading manufacturer of horizontal directional drilling air hammers. The exclusive agreement offers contractors access to the Pioneer One line of rock tooling solutions through the global Vermeer dealer network.

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“This agreement provides our customers with access to a proven rock boring system that can enhance rock boring productivity,” says Dave Wisniewski with Vermeer. “Horizontal directional drilling contractors are looking for better solutions to bore through rock and Pioneer One has a system that can help complete the job.”

Pioneer directional drilling air hammers are designed to bore through difficult rock formations using a combination of thrust, pressure and rotation to chip and carve rock from a hole. The Prospector system is available in 3- and 4-in. sizes and features advanced steering capabilities. Pioneer One also offers a variety of custom-designed Prospector bits to match various ground conditions.

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“I’m excited about this alliance agreement with Vermeer,” says Daryl Swinney with Pioneer One Inc. “Our Prospector Drilling System has been proven in the field as an economical way to bore through difficult ground conditions and this agreement with Vermeer will expand our reach.”

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