Vermeer & ASV Announce Commercial Alliance
Vermeer Mfg. Co. and ASV Inc. announced a long-term commercialalliance between the two companies. The alliance designates ASV as the exclusiverubber track undercarriage supplier for the Vermeer line of utility trenchersand other products, and builds on the complementary strengths of two leadingmanufacturers in the agricultural, construction and industrial equipmentindustries.
Technological innovation was a key factor in Vermeer’s decision toform the alliance with ASV, says Kevin Alft, vice president of undergroundinstallation for Vermeer. “ASV was first in the industry to develop rubber tracktechnology and has earned the reputation for building the highest quality rubbertrack undercarriages,” he says. “The company’s patented systems help providemore stability on the slopes, greater traction and floatation and decreasedground pressure. These advantages will help increase our customers’ productivityand efficiency while on the job.”
Under the agreement, ASV will supply its rubber trackundercarriages to select products in Vermeer’s line of horizontal directionaldrills, utility trenchers and other products.
“As an industry innovator, Vermeer recognizes the value thatrubber tracks can bring to the compact equipment market,” ASV president MarkGlasnapp says. “By providing a stable platform and extending the work season toinclude the early spring and late fall, rubber track undercarriages can offergreater performance and productivity over similar wheeled equipment.”
Vermeer introduced three new models of utility trenchers and onenew horizontal directional drill employing ASV’s undercarriage technology at theInternational Construction and Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) inSeptember. The companies anticipate limited production of some of these newmodels in late fourth quarter 2005.